This was probably my favorite shoot of the two because I was able to start sooner and the location was great for motorcycle and model. The settings I used didn't vary far because the light was more consistent than the last shoot so all I was changing was my aperture and bouncing back and forth between 1/100 and 1/200. The flash worked a lot better too as it was able to fill in a lot of darker spots since the light was behind either subject. The other side of the road I shot on was a hill that would've blocked a lot of scenery so I chose to risk shooting on the side more appealing despite the light. The last couple pictures I wanted to do something different by getting shots of more specific parts the motorcycle as if in use by the model and really just hone in more on the details. I ran into significantly less problems this shoot and really the only trouble I had was figuring out how I wanted the model to pose by the motorcycle.

ISO 100 f/18 1/200 sec

ISO 100 f/32 1/100

ISO 100 f/32 1/200

ISO 100 f/25 1/200

ISO 100 f/25 1/200

ISO 100 f/14 1/100

ISO 100 f/14 1/100